Why do we celebrate Halloween? Well, for kids, it’s the chance to wear their favorite costumes and get candies; for adults, it’s the chance to party and dress up with friends and families; for some, it is the day to honor people who had gone to heaven.
As for me, it’s the chance to try plenty of fun and spooky Halloween celebration ideas with friends and families. Here I list nine ideas and would like to share it with you. And you might want to give it a shot.
1. Attend a Themed Party
I love to celebrate Halloween by attending a themed party! I believe you might have been invited to a few themed parties, and you might select a theme that you don’t hear before. That will be an excellent experience. If you and your friends would like to spend less money on throwing a big party, how about hold a movie-themed party which can be held at home and save budget on decoration.
2. Throw a Horror Movie Themed Party
Throwing a horror movie-themed party in your living room is also a great way to celebrate Halloween. You could invite your friends to have fun with you. And then prepare a projector, and choose a horror-themed movie. If you would like to add terror and a silly atmosphere to the party, decorate the living room subtly, arrange some snacks, and volume up movies.
3. Watch a Halloween Movie or TV Special
Watching a Halloween-themed movie or TV special is one of the most traditional ways to celebrate Halloween. If you have little ones in your family and wanna not scare them hard, pick less scary movies or TV specials. Dressing kids with their favorite costumes, preparing candies, and popcorn, settling them into the couch, it’s time to put on a Halloween Movie or TV special.
4. Attend a Halloween Parade
Look at Facebook events or online news media to see Halloween parades information. You will be surprised there are so many parades and trunk or treats. Some include a costume contest, freeze dance, music, and food. Join a creative, spooky, and festive parade, and enjoy the chills and thrills of Halloween celebration this year.
5. Go to a Haunted House
If you fond of seeking a jolt of fear and adrenalin around Halloween like me, hunted house attractions are the right places to experience thrills and chills. You could search online and might find some “real” haunted houses near you. If not, decorating your house into a haunted house and invite your friends to have fun with you at home.
6. Read Scary and Spooky Stories
Halloween is more about getting ready to be spooked. Apart from going outdoor to experience “real” ghosts, scary and spooky stories telling is the right choice. Sitting at the couch and telling some fun stories that will give your kids a bit of a scare, but not have them too terrified to stay awake all night long.
7. Play Scariest Video Games
If you are a video game enthusiast like me and own your video game console, you can play the scariest video games you have with friends and families to get in the spirit of Halloween. If you want to add more terror and tension atmosphere when playing games, turn lights dim and volume up, which might add extra Halloween fun to your favorite games.
8. Have a Pumpkin Carving Contest
You cannot miss out on carved pumpkins around Halloween! Holding a pumpkin carving contest with friends and families cannot be wrong. You can prepare pumpkins and carving tools and start the competition on Halloween. Take photos, upload to Instagram, and vote to get a winner!
9. Spook Your Neighbors
If you will help yourself and your neighborhood get in the spirit of Halloween fast, spook your neighbors. You can make a basket filled with all Halloween themed items like candies, treats, and crafts. When your neighbors go out, leave the basket in their front doors. At the same time, please leave a note that inspires them to spook someone else.
If the above Halloween celebration ideas can inspire you, and give you terror and fun, don’t forget to share with your friends.
To give you more fun this Halloween, we provide some free Halloween gifts; please check it here. Finally, have a happy Halloween!