Article Review

NayoSmart Backpack Review

Review from World


Es fundamental poder transportar nuestro ordenador portátil o nuestra tablet con total seguridad cuando nos vamos de viaje, pero en este caso que nos ocupa, la NayoSmart Almighty va un paso más allá y nos permitirá no solo transportar nuestra tecnología sino mucho más.


Jego design i wykończenie ukrywa wszystkie typowo podróżnicze cechy w eleganckiej formie. Kolor jest jeden, ale bardzo dobry, zwłaszcza pod garnitur. Możemy czuć się prestiżowo, a przy tym mieć pewność, co do wnętrza. Grafiki na stronie producenta sugerują,


Ce premier point est relativement plaisant et permet surtout une chose essentielle au Nayo Tout-Puissant, résister à l’eau plus facilement. En effet, le plastique est plutôt hydrophobe, ce qui est un bon point pour protéger vos affaires lors de journées de pluie. 

Review Articles-English

Travel and Hike with PCOS

Nayo Almighty Travel Backpack Review

“Nayo Almighty proves to be a perfect backpack not only for men but also for women travelers. With more than 20 pockets, extra storage bags, insulated bottle holder and zip opening the backpack as a suitcase, staying organized is as smooth as cool air breeze. It is worth the purchase and you would love it. And if you are not happy then NayoSmart does have 100% Satisfaction guarantee...”

A smart travel backpack: Nayo Almighty review

For me, it was a game-changer to use the Nayo Almighty backpack during this road trip. This travel backpack opens up like a suitcase. You see all your clothes in one glance and you just take your pick of what you want to wear easily. You take it out and everything else stays in its place. It’s amazing! And in the morning, you put everything in its place and you’re good to go in no time....

The Travel Bunny

A smart travel backpack: Nayo Almighty review

“For me, it was a game-changer to use the Nayo Almighty backpack during this road trip. This travel backpack opens up like a suitcase. You see all your clothes in one glance and you just take your pick of what you want to wear easily. You take it out and everything else stays in its place. It’s amazing! And in the morning, you put everything in its place and you’re good to go in no time...”

NayoSmart Almighty: Travel With No Compromises

“Whilst competing brands put a premium price tag on such backpacks, NayoSmart has a very reasonable price of $85 (~£70) for the normal size of the Almighty. For me, that’s a bargain and I aside from a few improvements I’d like to see in the market in general, I can’t think of anything that is specifically missing that I’d have expected.”

NayoSmart Almighty Backpack Review – A Pack Worthy Of Its Namesake

“The NayoSmart Almighty backpack has almost everything you could want in a modern-day travel/day pack. While there were a couple complaints I had, they're purely subjective and overall the bag was great to have when away from home.Add to that the fact that this bag also comes in two different sizes, which are 32L and 25L, and there's really a lot to love about it...”

Navigating Seoul’s Composition with NayoSmart EXP BACKPACK

“The NayoSmart EXP travel backpack is a nice companion to do just that – light for the size, easy luggage style access and super padded shoulder and sternum straps to keep it all balanced as I twist and turn. Let curiosity take a hold of your creativity, so as well as seeing what’s in front of you, don’t forget to scout above, to the sides… and most of all, looking back to see how far you’ve come.”


“The Nayo Almighty is a functional, 32 litre backpack that makes you look professional in a casual way It has enough volume size and organizational pockets for neatly storing every-day-carry items like cables, cords and gadgets, as well as gym gear, shoes, and hygiene kits.”

Nayo Smart Almighty Backpack – Review

“As we mentioned earlier, the company have really thought of everything when designing this backpack. On my second trip away I was still finding compartments and having moments of “oh, I understand why they included that. Very smart indeed.” This particular model from Nayo isn’t really that expensive when compered to the price of luggage that will last years. ”

NayoSmart’s Almighty Backpack Is an Excellent Bag for Any Type of Traveler: Near or Far

“Keep in mind, while this bag was designed to be used for travel it works just as great as a day bag when you need to carry a few things from your home to your office. We highly recommend the Almighty for either purpose.”

Nayo Smart Rover Backpack Review

“The Rover Backpack, in my view, is a solid choice for those looking for something that can be used for work and short travel, and has a sleek, svelte aesthetic at an affordable price point. It’s not going to feel as premium or precisely designed as Evergoods or Peak Design, nor as indestructible as Goruck, but for a normal person that just needs a reliable, not cheap-feeling or looking backpack, it delivers a good value.”

Best Panic Alerm!

NayoSmart Anti-Theft Backpack Review

“The anti-theft features like anti-slash protection and locking zippers are a must for commuters. Especially if you are carrying a laptop in a busy city.We also like the nice little touches that this backpack has. Things like the neat little pockets in the shoulder straps and the USB charging slot.”

NayoSmart Anti Theft Carry On Backpack Review

“The NayoSmart Anti Theft backpack is a great little pack that looks stylish and is perfect for an extra carry on bag or as a daypack when travelling. I love anti theft backpacks, I don’t think that is a huge secret. There are quite a few out there now and I think it is such an important design feature in any backpack, not because there is a significant high risk of theft on the road but any anti theft feature is just one more layer of armour alongside other reasonable”

Review Articles-Taiwan


一直以來,我用來裝筆電的包包都沒什麼特別的(我用的是 Porter 或 Agnes b. 的後背包),裡面可能就一個夾層用來放筆電,然後有一兩個暗袋放錢包、雜物等等,最多就這樣子了。本來我也一直不認為有什麼大不了的,直到我拿到了今天開箱的這款 NayoSmart後揹包。

為世界旅者打造的全方位多功能後背包 Nayo Almighty ,機能性十足、旅遊商務皆實用

對於喜愛旅行的人來說,Nayo Almighty 後背包提供了旅行必備的各種實用功能,像是防水耐用設計、防盜夾層、減壓背帶、數量足夠的夾層和口袋,加上又具備外接 USB 充電埠以及適合固定在行李箱拉桿上的固定帶,各種情境下 Nayo Almighty 都能成為旅人的最佳後盾。經典的黑色設計加上雙尺寸選擇,不論男女都適合,可調式的背帶以及胸帶則是可以依照個人身形微調,讓包包背起來更舒適,如果你想要找一只功能性十足的萬用後背包,Nayo Almighty 會是很棒的選擇。

巧妙設計大小自由變換裝進全世界!防水高機能好背包 Nayo EXP 旅遊生活都好用!

雖然,每個人對於包包的期待都不一樣,但阿輝相信大家都是貪心的,背包最好能兼顧外型與內在,容量大又要有機能性,最好有各種暗隔或是網袋、魔鬼沾來放置不一樣的東西,但在不需要這麼大空間的時候最好又能立刻變小、變輕,更好攜帶,出差有行李箱或是登機箱時,最好又能縮到很小輕鬆收納──好,在大家嗤之以鼻說『不可能有這種好東西』的同時讓阿輝來告訴大家,這種東西真的存在,就是今天要推薦給大家的 Nayo EXP 背包!